Sort the Court! game

Game description

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Rule the kingdom with iron fist, take the high road, or stoop low into the darkness. Be a wise king and make your kingdom prosper in Sort the Court! Try to keep a straight path and don’t take too much risks or you’ll end up regretting it! Sort the Court! is king simulation indie game created by username Graebor, where you play the role of a king and sit around all day trying to approve or disapprove your kingdom’s wishes. Learn to discern the good from the bad and try to stay away from the shady people. Or be a part of the dark side and rule your kingdom with fear. Correct decisions will make your kingdom prosper in the long run, but being a king is definitely not as easy as it sounds. Keep in mind that easy money comes with a price…

Game controls:
In game

Puzzle Interactive Fiction Quiz Money Unity Webgl Thinking Ancient Times